Press Release Summary = Partneringreview 2006 - Volume 4: Stage of Development provides an in depth view into the deals and alliances by development stage announced in 2005
Press Release Body = Partneringreview 2006 - Stage of Development
Partneringreview 2006 - Volume 4: Stage of Development provides an in depth view into the deals and alliances by development stage announced in 2005, in a clear and accessible format. The report reviews over 2,600 deal announcements from discovery stage deals to marketed - the full list of stages covered - discovery, lead molecule, preclinical, phase I, phase I/II, phase II, phase II/III, pre-registration, regulatory approval, marketing and formulation stage deals. Each sector is further divided to analyze deals by company, industry sector and therapy area.
Every deal is fully categorized, includes a detailed description, and includes financials such as headline value, upfront and milestone payments, where disclosed. Each deal is annotated with a deal number, such as #43. This number links to the full deal in the deal listing at the rear of each report. When using the PDF format in Acrobat Reader, simply click on the number to move around the report.
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